Thursday, June 28, 2007

Run with an Obstacle

training stats
Th 28/06: rest
We 27/06: hilly run, 19K, 1:49 hrs
Tu 26/06: easy jog, 10K, 1:02 hrs
Mo 25/06: gym, 2 hrs

Yesterday I once again joined the Rapid Stags Group to have a special workout to get fit for our Zugspitzlauf. The Ruhrgebiet may sound to you as being a flat area but actually the hills along the Ruhr valley offer some convenient heights. The area East of Witten is called the Ardey Gebirge which might be sort of overstatement but it is hilly indeed.

Our lap through the local woods added up to more than 500 meters of ascent. And descent of course. But the route was not just steep. It was the effect of gale Kyrill what slowed us down.

As we ran up the SW ridge of Arenberg - highest point of Witten at 269m - we faced dozens of fallen trees and had to scramble over the trunks and to by-pass some jackstraw staples (photo: Wiki).

Arriving at the carpark some of us noticed scratches and wounds at their bloody calves. Anyway, considering the route profile it was a tough workout for me which let me opt for total rest today.


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