Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Outside smiling

training stats
Tu 11/12:
cross training, 1:00 hrs

Mo 10/12: gym, 1:45 hrs
Su 09/12: pacemaker race, 10K, 50 min

Being watched during the race I might have been looking happy. I was smiling all the time as I was running alongside a very pretty woman - for 50 min at least. But inside I worried about the continuing problem with my knee.

Analysing the 2007 Berlin Marathon results you see that there are 2,810 finishers in age group M50. In the next age group, M55, finishers are down by 46% to 1,519. Next year my age group is M55. Now I fear that I will have to take the same road as all the poor guys who had to stop running.

If I have to stop running I consequently will stop running the website about running. I don't think it will be fun to write about running when I am not able to run. Okay, life is not all about running but I feel I have to think about building up an alternative passion.

Don't worry - this is obviously one of those rainy cold depressive days, not just due to injuries and weather.


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