Sunday, May 25, 2008

Facing next challenge

training stats
Su 25/05:
walk/jog, 9K, 1:10 hrs
Sa 24/05: hilly bike, 101K, 800hm, 4:30 hrs
Th 22/05: hilly bike, 100K, 1600hm, 4:40 hrs
We 21/05: gym 1.5 hrs and jog/walk, 7K, 0:45 hrs
Th 20/05: gym 1.5 hrs

I am happy that the arthritic knee tolerates long bike tours without mourning. After Thursday's hilly tour I was totally exhausted. But this was just half of the height meters waiting for me at the Alpine bike race in 4 weeks. I will have to fight to beat the official time limit. Start is at 6.30am and one has to reach the first pass after 68K distance and 2,000 height meters before noon. I guess it will be a really new experience for me.

However, the knee's next challenge takes place at Stockholm next Saturday at 2 pm. Once again I will try to stay close to B as long as the pain allows. To reach the finish line would be a great achievement.


Blogger admin said...

Good luck to you in Stockholm, Sweden ! I'll try to rock the AK35 in Herdecke :-) Marcus

8:05 pm  

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